I have mentioned it before, but in my opinion, connection is probably the most important thing when it comes to our mental wellness. We connect with many people on a daily basis. It maybe something as a little smile as you walk pass someone, to a complete, deep connection with your wife, husband or child. Either way, it always allows us to feel we are part of something bigger…the human race.
The “Human Race”…and that’s exactly what it feels like at times. A Race. We are so busy rushing from place to place, running to the next thing, hurrying to finish one project so we can move to the next, that we don’t stop and enjoy the connection. We are racing though our lives and missing what really matter.
And I am just as guilty as anyone when it comes to this. My pattern for many years was to stay busy, keep occupied. That way I wouldn’t have to feel or deal with anything. It was a great way to avoid my demons, but I was not truly living life.
Since my main demon has been laid to rest, I have felt much more connected to life. But I still fall into the “Race” mode and am always keeping busy. (But this time it is a conscious decision and because I have a new focus and drive to make my life and the lives of others better.) By keeping busy though, I forget to stop and make those connections.
Over the past week I have had on 2 occasions that have been great reminders of how important it is to stay connected.
The first was last weekend where myself and 9 mates travelled down south to an Airbnb for 2 nights. This is the first time in probably 15 years we had all been together without wives, girlfriends or families. It was great just sitting with great mates, talking about life, family, plans and of course, how great we used to be. There were lots of laughs, great food, many beers, cards and plenty of banter.
A bunch of blokes, re-connecting and having their own fun and “man time”, is a memory I won’t forget. And it reminded me how much I loved spending time with these men and how much I loved and respected them. We have already agreed this will be an annual catch up. Blokes only. I already have something lined up for us and can’t wait.
Then on Friday it was my 11th wedding anniversary. We tried to decide whether to drive half hour to Mandurah or go to a little lookout on our property and watch the sunset with a platter. The latter won.
It was brilliant. It was relaxing, intimate, quiet and I loved every minute of it. We actually stopped. We took the time for each other. We weren’t racing to the restaurant, then racing home again. We just sat and chatted. And we re-connected even deeper. “God, I love that woman”…that is how it made me feel. It re-enforced what I already knew.
Both these experiences were totally different, but exactly the same.
I can’t encourage you enough to stop occasionally, sit back, take it in, watch, listen (really listen) and just enjoy being with the people you love. Re-connection…It will fill your soul.